Friday, August 26, 2011

Group application launcher in taskbar

There is always bunch of of icons on my taskbar. I just tiered of that. The simultaneous use of different browsers; word, powerpoint and excel; media player and few other applications.

And, now if there is a requirement to open a new application, it will be very lengthy procedure(Because i am very lazy). Though Windows 7 has solved the problem a bit by combining various files of one application and the taskbar icons are also comparatively small. But to have a better option you can use Dock for that but more better option is Bins.

Bins is a Windows 7 taskbar organizer available free of cost in the beta version. It is designed to group the different icons present on the taskbar. You can club similar or dissimilar items. But combining the similar items will be easy for the user to handle. The snapshot below displays the group of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

To ungroup it you have to just drag from bin-group to taskbar we can access both pages of browsers chrome & firefox from taskbar

Just click here to download it

This s/w doesn't run at startup so we have to run it mannually & click two times to disable & re-enable it like shown below


The feasible way to run it at startup but bin settings can run on startup by putting shortcut up "binsetting.exe" from
C:\Users\Parth\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Bins
C:\Users\Parth\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

so at startup Bins runs so u can chanfe setting
So Group application & Enjoy....


  1. nice one.. it's user friendly and looks good too..

  2. Thanks sanket....i see that the application runs at start
